This morning, before school... I didn't get out of bed until 9:55am (even though my mum was constantly nagging me to. My attendance in school is only 76% (it should be 95% at least) My mum could end up going to court to be prosecuted if my attendance doesn't improve!
So anyway, when I went downstairs to do my makeup, she came after me and said I had too much of it, so i went to sort my makeup out on the table, then she started screaming at me whilst I was fiddling with my makeup bag (containing the makeup i wanted to keep)... Then she grabbed it and threw it against the wall, (but it hit me aswell..making a bump on my head which till hurts 5hrs later) and then she grabbed my other makeup (that was lying on the table) and threw it everwhere so it all smashed. When we were walking to the front door, she was literally screaming in my face, then she grabbed both my shoulders and started to shake me, then she said something (I forgot) then she put her hands aroung my neck (not gently but not hard if you understand) & I was screaming 'DO IT! DO IITTT!'
Should i be worried? I'm only (almost) 14, don't know what to say or do when i get home. Please help :'( -Thanks in advance :( xx