Hi! okay... so weirdest thing happened last night. First off before I ask anything, I have been on birth control for about 3 months now and I just started my new pack 3 days ago. Anyway, last night I was having sex with my boyfriend, who has a very small penis but it doesn't bother me. This morning, I woke up, went to the bathroom, then went on a long run. WEIRDEST THING HAPPENED... Right when I got back from my run, I took my shorts off and looked town and there was something coming out of my vagina.... and then I realized it was the condom. Literally the whole thing had been sitting in there all night and during my long run this morning. I am wondering... Is there any way I could be pregnant? I really don't want to have to take or pay for the morning after pill but if I have to I will. I don't know if having a condom sit up there for a long time has any effect on my birth control etc... or the fact that I started the new pack just a few days ago. Any advice?