... understand what they are saying. They use strange tools to eat and you cannot figure out how to use them. They try to feed you food you do not recognize. Sometimes these people seem friendly and caring, but at times they become angry because you are not doing what they ask you to do. You become frightened when they try to remove your clothes and take you in a room to shower you. You become frightened and upset because you do not know what will happen to you next. At times other strangers come to your room and bring gifts. They talk kindly to you, but you do not know them. They seem upset when you do not respond to their gifts and gestures. The doors and windows in this country are all locked and you cannot find your way out so that you can go home

1. How would you react if you were the person in this situation? Why?
2. What methods might you use to communicate with the person in this situation?
3. Why would the person want to go home? What does “home” mean to him or her? 
4.How will this exercise help you when you care for a person who is confused?