I work for a small business, and I want to help the owners with their current waiver setup, we currently have a online waiver that is hosted by a third part company, however that costs wayyy to much for them. I am somewhat experienced in building servers, or websites, but not linking them up in this manner.

To be clear, I need to be able to have someone sign a waiver on the website, and have that file automatically uploaded to a server onsite, so that we can check and verify the waivers after they are signed. I would prefer them to be uploaded as a .txt or .pdf, doesn't matter which.

The server is a windows 2012 essentials server, and the primary purpose of the server will be hosting the files. I already have software for searching the server for those files, but feel free to suggest that aswell.

We need it to be based on the server, for cost reasons, and because our network provider is intermittent at best, with the network going down atleast once a month, at that point we can no longer verify waivers, and we just have to wait until it comes back online. This way if the internet goes out, we can still check and verify waivers.