Tell me about the existence of God?

Answers (5)

Not much to say. God's existence is about as likely as the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus.

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Man smakrabbit! You sure do believe in a lot of things that are not even true! There is no such thing as the tooth fairy! Old St. Nick is dead! By the way he only delivered presents to the houses that were in his area! The other story about Old St. Nick is not true.

There are many that believe in god and many who don't but if you look back in time at all the people that have worshiped gods and still today a lot of people believe in gods there is a fair chance that god is real, that or we are all going crazy.

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I have to disagree. God is real, and we are NOT going crazy. There is so much prof that God is real, the Bible was written by 40 people, and yet it all fits together. It also talks about Jesus being born somewhere in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, pretty sure it is Matthew, Jesus is born! Woo hoo! And if that part of the Bible is true, the whole thing should be! That means, that if the whole Bible is true the God must be too, right? Right. Also, no one has ever found real prof that the Bible is not real. That's because the Bible IS real and we are not going crazy.

I agree with hankdog7. We are not going crazy and the Bible is real. Only the King James Version Bible is real. The other versions of Bibles some things might be true in the other ones, but not everything.

I read New King James, it's easier for me to understand. It's still true, same with the King James, but I don't really like N.I.V.. That version leaves out some parts.

I know. It leaves out the important stuff. It leaves out important words too. The NIV Bible is not the right one. You should always read King James Version. Not NIV or the other Bibles. The only one that tells the truth is the King James Version Bible.

God's existence never had a beggining and it will never have an end. He will always be here. Just like Jesus.

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I agree. Zeus will always be with us, throwing lightning from the heavens.


Wait, who is zeus? and why are you talking about lighting?

Zeus is all powerful. He controls the lightning in the sky and he rules over Heaven and Earth. Zeus is far older than the Christian God and he is much kinder too.

How is Zeus older and kinder? No he does not control everything. God controls everything because he is the one who made everything. God is older because he has been here forever. He was here before he created everything. Zeus is not even real. If you pray to him he is probably not going to answer it. Greek Mythology is not true. Their Gods are not real. Zeus is not kinder either. What did he ever do to be kind? God has done many things for us. Zeus has done nothing because he is not real.

I pray everyday that lightning will not strike me and everyday Zeus answers my prayers. I have never, ever been struck by lightning. How do you explain that!?

A lot of people have never been struck by lightning! I do not know anybody that has been struck by lightning! Getting struck by lightning is not something you see everyday. Is that the only thing that you pray to Zeus about?

God throws temper tantrums and constantly attacks me with His follower.

Zeus created ZZ Top, which is ok in my book.

King James has some good stories.

What is ZZ Top? Who is God's follower? How does he throw tantrums?

zeus is a fake god. The LORD God Almighty is the One and Only True God. I have never been struck by lighting, and I do NOT pray to "zeus". I pray to The LORD God. He doesn't throw temper tantrums. The Bible says If you Love your son, punish him. He will learn from it. We are God's children, sons and daughters, so if we do something wrong, He punishes us because He loves us and wants us to learn. When we do something good, He rewards us. He has done soooooo much for all of us. He sent His only Son! He sent Him to come into the world to suffer and die for our sins (Good Friday), and rise again the third day (Easter). Would you do that for a bunch of sinners that don't even love you? God did. And now we have a choice. Except God's Son, Jesus, to come into your heart and save you from your sins, OR don't. Quote: If God is not real, we lose nothing by believing in Him. But if He is real, we lose everything by not believing in Him.
I know that God is real, and I know that when I die, or when the Rapture happens, I will go to Heaven because I am forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I totally agree with hankdog7. You are wrong smakrabit and foxcat!

hankdog you are a dumbass go to this site and see why you are wrong so what if was wriiten by 40 people and you can't say anything in the bible is true and you arguements don't make sense why don't become a little less narrow minded and look at things from a scientists prespective why don't you make a valid point in your arguements and the reason the moon doesn't reach the earth is because it's in our orbit dumbass and the earth 4.6 billion years old and scientist can prove it alright damn religion must be all you know saying god is real is like saying godzilla is realyou ever hear of the dark ages when religion ran rampant everyone was fighting people died for no reason and you want jesus back so he can slaughter millions of people sick and the age of reason was good you know when religion was put on people got ideas like darwins natural selection religion is like mind control teachs idiotic ideas like 2 people can make 6-7 billion people that are diverse yeah right what about incest

the bible doens't prove anything all it says is god did it not a shred of proof to say he exist's just saying god exist's doesn't mean it's true I personally believe in science because they dont' this real but they evidence to suggest that it's is. the bible is full of lie's it's total bullcrap preahers in arkansas say reason is the greatest enemy to faith and it's true. religion causes hatecrimes racists and just total dumbasses religion will keep people in the dark for as long as it exist's if we want a more hate free society we need to stop religion

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So your believing science, who say we come from rocks? So your saying my great great great etc. grandfather is a rock? I don't think so! We did not come from rocks, we did not form form apes, the Lord God Almighty created us, along with the Heaven, the Earth, and everything in them. I'm gonna quote this quote again, "If God is not real, we lose nothing by believing in Him. But if He is real, we lose everything by believing in Him." And His Word is real. Who can I prove this? The Bible was written by 40 people, who lived in different times and in different places, and yet it all fits together. That should be proof enough, but I'll give some proof to why the earth can't be millions of years old. The moon moves away from the earth every year, if the earth was millions of years old the moon would have started our basically laying on the earth! And of course that couldn't happen. Still want more proof? Scientists do research and come to think that the earth is millions of years old, but they also did research on some trees that they knew were only about 100 years old, and their research come out as the trees being millions of years old. Well, that should be enough proof, don't ya think?

You are wrong, marvinray92. hankdog7 is right! :)

well first of all i didn't say whether we came from rocks and science doesn't things are real or not but they have evidence to suggest that it does unlike the bible and religion does hold the advancements of man

What is there to tell regarding the existence of God! Without God there is nothing. It is just like somebody asking this question in a gold jewelry shop - what is gold? Everything is gold, the chain is gold, the bangles are gold, the statues are gold, they appear as ornaments of gold, but if we remove the gold, there is nothing. That is what God is. God is the cause, we are all effects. We think we are male, female, Indians, Americans and Chinese. We think that everything in this world is what it appears to be. But we are not this appearance. We are all manifestations of God. God is the Creator of this universe, of the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds, the animals, and the flowers. God is in you, God is in me, God is everywhere, in everything. What is there more to tell about God?

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