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Should I create a new Instagram account to get rid of bad memories of the one I currently have?

I broke some friendships recrntly due to some mistakes Ive created and actions that caused me to being back on my own. Staying on the ine account I ...

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How to optimise a press release for SEO?

Press releases are importantly gaining importance in this digital era. Combining the action of digital marketing and press release, it is important ...

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How do I start a forum for class action against a fraudulent investment?

I invested in a glitzy hotel scheme called Corran Resort & Spa. The hotel is still operating ...

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What is a good action and sci-fi anime?

I'm new to anime and I want an anime series that has action in it and has some sci-fi in it like magic or something. It also ...

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Any good anime?

I really need a good anime to watch. Im thinking of an anime filled with action, sad scenes and really funny scenes. I love when the character is against ...

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If everything depends on my actions/deeds then what is the effect of praying/rituals/astrology n all

Now I'm losing faith after realising that everything depends on ...

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What is your favorite movie genre? 1) Horror 2) Action 3) Comedy 4) Drama?

This is for a school project so if y'all could please help.

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