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My daughters are into the Percy Jackson series and they're wondering if the gods are real or not?

My daughters (aged 9 and 11) are into the Percy Jackson series and ...

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I love my ex?I was in relationship for 2 years with my ex. We got seperated by our family. He loves?

... me alot that he is willing to do anything for me. Since we both ...

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Under age sex?

I have heard from many people that having sex before you are ready (Under aged) is not good, not because its against the law but for some other reason any ...

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I had a fall aged 4 yrs and suffered head injuries as a result of bullying aged 5 to 11 yrs I all so

... have memory problems is there a test to see if its all the same

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School - the is a girl at shool who alwayz do actions in front of me ,then lastly she tells me that?

... she loves me a lot,i am a aged boy around 20s but i never had a ...

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