Ahead Questions

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Problem - How do I get ahead in life when so far behind?

No education,no license or car. No job. Super stressed out. I am 18 years old. Isolating by myself, refused to hangout with friends or go anywhere.

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Wish you could order gifts online ahead of birthdays & holidays? If so, how far ahead?

1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

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I want to be a game designer help?

Hey im 12 and im about to do my options for year 9 for my career ahead of me and i want to be a game designer i play on games alot so ...

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Should I go ahead to ask a sign re-inspection or not?

i am a sign contractor and sub contracted a sign job from a general contractor (GC). in Bay area , CA i applied and ...

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Terrified to talk to my crush?

So I have a thing for this guy a grade ahead of me (I'm a sophomore), and he knows I like him. Or at least he did. The thing is, I ...

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Why was Leonardo da Vinci ahead of his time ?

its no doubt that Leonardo da Vinciwas extremly gifted in many ways not only in are but in many other things aswell but why ...

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