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If Vampires drink blood y dont they die from aids?

i really want to know dammit

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Who would win a fight...alien or dinosores ?

oh wow think this crazy imagen its a real thing a aliens from a planets come to earth and does a fight egenst the dinosore ( ...

7 answers | 1 star | Open

What happens if a woman has aids and don't tell you before she?

has sex with you and gives you the HIV virus? What kind of legal trouble would she be in?

6 answers | 1 star | Open

Weerd to wanna loose vergen to carton chacter ?

hi i am a vergen n i don relly like real life boys cuz they allways tret a girl bad i love amine films and i falled in ...

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Where to buy cheap supplements for bodybuilder?

Hey guys! Does anyone know cheap but effective supplements , that could aid me in my bulking phase. Thanks in Advanced

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