Anniversary Questions

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Should I break up with my boyfriend?

Awhile he didn’t want to spend our one year anniversary together. About three days ago, his ex apologized to him the next day he accused me of ...

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What can I buy for husband with the theme 'lace' for wedding anniversary?

I've looked on websites, none of the cuff link/tie bar ideas really work for me. We usually do a quirky take, like for wood I got him Timbaland ...

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What should I get for the 1 month anniversary?

I've been dating this girl for almost a month now. And I'm in the 8th grade. I don't got a ton of cash, but ...

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Wish you could order gifts online ahead of birthdays & holidays? If so, how far ahead?

1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

4 answers | 1 star | Open

Google 11th anniversary it trure????

...I received an email that said "Your Google award information has been acknowledged, verified and? approved by the ...

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My 3 month anniversary is on the 4th of july and I need gift ideas for my guy?

Ok so my anniversary is on the 4th of july and im 12 years old so nothing gross PLEASE. Id ...

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