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What are the essential items for a newborn?

What are the essential items for a newborn? Answer: Essentials include diapers, wipes, clothing, swaddles, a crib or bassinet, baby blankets, and a ...

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Most drones can be _________ and operated with relatively minimal experience. (8 letters)?

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Is the Indian legal system a common law system, a civil law system, or a hybrid legalsystem?

... Substantiate your answer with examples

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How do you get a fifth grade girl to like you?

I like a girl and I do not know how to get her to like me. Can somebody give me an answer that is 300,000% reliable, oh and ...

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Need to get answers for American School exams.. Im willing to switch anwers with someone... thanks?

Need to get answers for American School exams.. Im willing to switch ...

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Does anyone have answers for American School Algebra-all exams? I have been in and out of hospital and really need the ...

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Family relationship?

Which family relationships tend to be the closest in adulthood? Choose one answer. a. father and son b. mother and son c. father and ...

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