Background Questions

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Why is my green screened background moving around behind me?

The backdrop created using my green screen is moving up and down back and forth, as if it was filmed to do that. But it's just a still photo ...

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Does Wal-Mart hire felons?

I'm a qualified individual but have a background(no violence or sex crimes) I answered the questios honestly on the online app. and was ...

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What does pre hire list mean for usps application status?

applied for usps. got an email for consent of a background check and check the app status and it says pre hire ...

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Who can tell me the background and main meaning of Latin Spanish song "palo bonito"?

The lyrics of the sonngs is as follow: CORO Palo, palo, palo, palo bonito, palo eh, ...

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I need to interview someone from a different racial or ethnic background for school? (I am white)?

I need to interview someone from a different racial or ethnic ...

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