Brand Questions

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What role does social media play in the careers of models of Kolkata?

Increasing Visibility, Attracting Opportunities, Building a Personal Brand, etc.are the major points which can be cover while answering the question.

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Do you have any favorite designers or wedding dress brands?

To understand the bride's preferences and inspirations for her custom wedding dress.

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Why should I choose a US digital marketing company?

In this age of digital marketing and the eCommerce brand, choosing an honest digital marketing business is smart since ...

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I need help with my skin?

Ihave a very dry and sensitive skin. Everytime i wash my face with dove soap or any name brand soap it turns red and my face feels hott. It ...

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What brand in the market do you think visually makes an impact?

for the visual merchandising post

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What would be a good shoe brand store I could buy cool shoes?

I'm hoping for something juicy like the Footlocker, and Nike, and Vans. Which mall should I shop for? ...

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Availability of fashion brands database/catalogue?

Hello, I am new to fashion business, and I would appreciate your help with the following questions: As industry ...

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