Break Up Questions

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Should I break up with my boyfriend?

Awhile he didn’t want to spend our one year anniversary together. About three days ago, his ex apologized to him the next day he accused me of ...

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Did taylor swift and joe alwyn actually break up or is it just rumors?

Did taylor swift and joe alwyn actually break up or is it just rumors?

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How do I break up with someone?

The guy I'm with is older and isn't exactly the nicest guy and he's violent and hits people... a lot. To be honest he kinda scares me. ...

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How to delete Instagram dm history?

just got out of a bad break up. I can't figure out how to stop seeing his Instagram on the suggested thing every time I try to ...

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Love- my crush took her ex back! Should I break up the contact?

...I have a crush on that girl. She broke up with her Bf and we started texting. I really liked her but ...

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How do I break up with my girlfriend?

I want to break-up with my current girl but I really dont know how. We have been together for almost 5 years now. I just dont want ...

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Should I or not?

should I break up with my bf because he have been acting fake like he took me to the mall and I was like awe that's sweet I love you and all that ...

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What should I do?Should I break up with him?what do I do?

My boyfriend confessed to me he smokes and he swear to me he won't smoke ever again for our ...

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