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What identifies true Christians, or Real worshipper of God?

If one person says they are a worshiper of God, no matter what religion they claim to be, how can you tell?

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What was the Christian book that had like four arrow keys in a front cover?

I forgot the title, but it feels like a flash several years ago. Can you please find it for me? That would be helpful if you have to show me the ...

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What religion are you?

I'm Christian.

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Do you believe we can live forever?

In a paper on the legal implications of longevity, the writers make this observation: “The time may not be far away where we may ...

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Christian LeBlanc on Y& R, his voices sounds so different. Why?

He plays Michael on the Young and the Restless, and for sure in the last week, his voice is totally ...

11 answers | | Open

People say that I'm not Christian if I don't get baptized, I love Jesus just as much as the next Chr

If I'm not baptized but still have universal sized faith in my ...

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How do you stop falling in love with someone?

I met this guy online about 2-3 weeks ago. He is the complete opposite of me especially in religion Im christian and ...

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