Chrome Questions

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Why did my credit card get charged extra?

I just got a Discover Chrome student card and got my first purchase which was gas and only spend $30 but it said I went over my limit saying I spent ...

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Removal of Bing and Weknow?

I've looked everywhere but can't find how to remove Weknow and Bing from my macbook air on both safari and Chrome. Please give me the ...

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How do I remove Yahoo Search Engine from Google on my Mac?

One day the Yahoo Search Engine appeared on my chrome and I've been trying to get it back to the Google Search Engine. Does anybody know how to ...

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How do I remove Yahoo Search Engine from Google on my Mac?

One day the Yahoo Search Engine appeared on my chrome and I've been trying to get it back to the Google ...

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Can some body help me to write a introduction and a conclusion for my research paper? I will write?

a research paper about google chrome it will include background ...

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