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I work as house cleaner,why(some)women treat me badly?

i dont have problems with men but some women who rent me to clean her house treat me badly,sometimes it was ...

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What's the difference between the Dyson DC40 and the DC40i?

I am looking into buying a new Vacuum cleaner, and it seems really hard to find the specs. The hardest thing ...

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How do you get glass shower doors clean?

my glass shower doors are stained. I have tried all sorts of cleaners including CLR. Nothing has worked. I think it is soap ...

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Dress code for a cleaner in a beauty salon?

I'm a seventeen year old young man, I have to start work as a cleaner in a beauty salon, the dress code is as follows, no ...

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Remove PC CLeaner Pro. To install AVG antiVirus CD?

Remove PC CLeaner Pro. I got AVG antiVirus CD & tryed to install it. it tells me to first remove "PC CLeaner ...

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