Degrees Questions

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Is it worth pursuing a online MBA degree from Dy Patil Online MBA?

Is it worth pursuing an online MBA degree from DY Patil Online MBA in terms of curriculum quality, industry recognition, and career prospects? How ...

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How long does it take for soda to get cold in the fridge?

My fridge is at 37 degrees and I put my Dr pepper in about 2 hours and 30 mins ago

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Google - what is ment by the Date of acquiring qualification of degree? is it the date that you?

... appeared your last exam and passed it or else the date of issue of ...

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What jobs can you do with a math degree?

I really want to major in math but I can't think of many jobs I would be able to do. Please make a list of jobs (Example: ...

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The unit weigh of water @ 50 degrees F is 62.4pcf if the volume of the vessel is 3.5 cubic ft?

a). find the change in volume b.) compute the percent change in volume c.) ...

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