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Getting jelous about girlfriend's gyno exam?

Hello I am a 23 year old boy. Recently I am getting jelous for my girlfriend's pelvic exam which was done by a male ...

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After sex my girlfriend leaves a huge wet spot, is this normal?

The spot is huge, clear, and has no smell. As far as we know she doesn't squirt. We want to know if ...

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Why is there a numbing feeling on my bruise?

I went skating on Sunday and this girl who thought she was so pro at roller skating decided to use her phone without looking ...

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Does my Doctor co worker have a crush on me ??

I work in a hospital in nursing. I am 28 and attractive. This Doctor who is a co-worker of mine has been acting differently ...

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I have a burning sensation when I pee. I think it could be a urinary tract infection?

I also lost my virginity recently, about 2-3 months ago. Please tell me how to get ...

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