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How does laser cataract surgery differ from traditional cataract surgery?

Laser cataract surgery uses a laser to perform certain steps that were traditionally done with handheld surgical tools. This can result in greater ...

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Benefit of digital marketing...?

Hello guys i have done diploma in digital marketing and going to persue a Mba in marketing hw my digital marketing certificate is going ...

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Getting jelous about girlfriend's gyno exam?

Hello I am a 23 year old boy. Recently I am getting jelous for my girlfriend's pelvic exam which was done by a male ...

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Hello, what i need to be completely done with american school is LITERATURE 3,4,5 AND INTEGRATED ALGEBRA 5-11 EXAMS. PLEASE. I AM ...

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Why is it when you say something to someone about anything the have no feeling about what you said?

... Or when you say hi the are cold ,but before the where not. I ...

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Is a no strings attached affair worth it?

I'm married but cannot seem to get this other man out of my head. We met causually a year ago but I have not done anything ...

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