Door Questions

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I am stuck in my room because the door knob lock is broken or stuck and I cant get out? help?

I don't know how it happened but the lock is stuck or broken and I am ...

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Can I take the lock on a door to a hard ware store and get a key made for it?

I can take out the lock on the door, and i need a key for it. Can I take it to a hard ware ...

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Why am I speechless when it comes to boys? Can you relate too?

So today I met a really cute boy who moved in next door to me, and he said hi to me and my best ...

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What to do my key gets stuck in the door?

After returning from the Detroit office, I tried to open the door. Right after you twist the key into the keyhole, I realize it ...

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What do dreams mean?

I have been having weird dreams like my dad getting into a motorcycle accident, gang members knocking on doors and shooting people, my moms ...

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