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Hat are some timeless beauty secrets for maintaining radiant skin?

Hydration is key! Drink plenty of water and moisturize daily to keep your skin beauty secrets supple and glowing. Also, don't skimp on sunscreen ...

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How much water should I drink per day?

I'm a female and I swim 7 a week, how much water intake should I get approximately get per day?

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My boyfriend kissed a girl right in front of me?

my boyfriend of 3 months and i went out to a pub with some friends. I've never really been out with him before. We ...

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If Vampires drink blood y dont they die from aids?

i really want to know dammit

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Can wine taste like soy sauce? french wine taste like soy, italian taste like grape juice alcohol?

people talk about wine and how great it is, but i find it difficult to ...

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