English Questions

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Can you understand the meaning of this glove's name?"Warm fit gloves for touch panel"?

Now we preparing a new gloves selling in Japan. For visitors to Japan, we want to name also in English. With thinking about this item correctly, it ...

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What is Language Editing ?

Enhance your written English with the assistance of our experts. We can enhance the language in all of your research-related documents, including ...

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American School English 12?

Does anybody have the answers for American School English 12?

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What words begin and end with the same letter?

I'm looking for a long list of English words that begin and end with the same letter

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What makes you have to go to summer school? Do you have to go if you pass your finals?

Hey, I'm in 9th grade and this year I fooled around a lot and didn't care ...

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Can you help me on this essay?

I have to write a persuasive essay for my English teacher. She said that we can take it home for homework, but I'm not sure when ...

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