Exercise Questions

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Chapter 3 operating systems concepts exercise problem 3. 3?

Construct a process tree similar to fig 3. 8. To obtain process information for unix or linux systemuse the command ps-ael

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Whats a good exercise plan for a 12 year old girl?

hi, Im 12 and weigh around 10 stone i'm the heaviest in my class, but also the tallest. i am a bit self conscious ...

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I am a 17 yrs old girl and just 4'10" tall..since my puberty is almost going to end I want to know?

... what can i do to increase my height..i even thought to go for ...

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Weight issues!?

I'm 169cm/ 5'5 and weigh 185lbs. What are the best exercises to lose weight quickly? I don't look fat but I look big sized. And I have been ...

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I am about 15 Should I start doing penis enlargement exercises?

I am about 15 Should I start doing penis enlargement exercises?

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Singing Exercises?

Hey I'm a boy who wanna know how to sing. I'm a drummer so rythm is no problem and im not tonedeaf. My problem is just that no matter how ...

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