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I am 168 cm (5 feet 6 inches) .Can I do modelling?

Hello ,I have been lately thinking of becoming a model but I am 168 cm (5 ft 6 inches) .I am 18 years old and I know ...

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Why is it when you say something to someone about anything the have no feeling about what you said?

... Or when you say hi the are cold ,but before the where not. I ...

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Question #1: A polyhedron is a three-dimensional figure. Which term describes the faces of the polyhedron? Choice #1: circles Choice ...

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I need help with my skin?

Ihave a very dry and sensitive skin. Everytime i wash my face with dove soap or any name brand soap it turns red and my face feels hott. It ...

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What is it like after death? Is it nothingness. I'm worried, scared of death. Don't want to face it?

Is it wrong for me to be scared to face it? What is your opinion on ...

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