Fade Questions
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I can't sustain my air long enough for my flute solo!?
I have to play a flute solo for my MPA and it's at the end of the piece. It's only 3 measures long, but I can't get my air to not fade ...
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Why will my hair not hold color?!?
When I dye my hair, the color will either barely show up or fade after a few rinses. Keep in mind that I have blonde hair so any color ...
Some people say that love fades or dies after marriage, and others say it grows after marriage,?
... which path should one consider… to marry a suitable, ...
Why does this world feel empty?
The fun doesn't last. Love fades. Enjoyment is temporary. It all leads to me pondering my life at night.
How long does it take for scars to fade?
I used to self-harm on my arms and the scars are still there. They've turned white but aren't raised or indented at ...
My Friend has stickers stains on his car how to remove them?
when I pulled stickers from the car they have the sticky residue has been left on the car as white marks. ...