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How far in advance should I book a Taxi from Bristol to Heathrow with Taxi Bristol to Heathrow?

It is advisable to book a Taxi from Bristol to Heathrow with Taxi Bristol to Heathrow as early as possible to secure your preferred time and ensure ...

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After sex my girlfriend leaves a huge wet spot, is this normal?

The spot is huge, clear, and has no smell. As far as we know she doesn't squirt. We want to know if ...

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Can someone help me translate my english into arabic? Im really desperate and would appreciate it?

In finding yourself you have found God In reaching to your own center ...

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What can I do on my birthday since I'm broke and alone?

I have severe social anxiety disorder, my friends and family are either busy or too far to come, and I don't ...

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How do I convince my mom I can do something?

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I need Relationship/crush advice! Please help! Thanks!?

Ok so I have a huge crush on my friend. We're both girls. She is openly bisexual and as far as everyone knows ...

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