History Questions

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How did Google get its name?

Is there some kind of history behind the name 'Google' or was it just a random choice?

75 answers | | Open

Who invented the computer?

we are doing a project for history of an computer.we need help finding who invented it.can you help us?

40 answers | | Open

Read first, think and then awnser: Can the bible be used to scientifically prove "Gods" existance?

In history we learned of jesus born 3 b.c. and died in 30 a.d. during ...

25 answers | | Open

Can you view your search history on Instagram x?

Can you view your search history on Instagram x?

3 answers | | Open

People - I was on my BF's computer the other day and used the history to locate a website I was on?

... early and couldn't seem to find. I noticed while in the ...

11 answers | | Open

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