Indoor Questions

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Can you use a camping stove indoors with the windows open?

Using a camping stove indoors, even with windows open, can pose significant safety risks. While opening windows may help ventilate the area, ...

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What do u do when ur bored?

I get bored alot and need stuff to do at home. My friends cant come over often because our house is usally trashed. But i cant go out to buy ...

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Well there is this girl I like and we go to different schools but we see each other every week at futsal(indoor soccer) and I think I am stuck in the friend's ...

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What are some cheap and small pets?

Pets that are small, cheap to feed, can be kept in a cage/indoor all the time, not smelly, not too noisey. No live food.

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Why are my cats fighting?

I have two cats, a male and a female (both fixed, and indoor only) lately my male cat has been attacking the female. I’m so confused ...

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