Knowledge Questions

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Can I be charged if someone uses my name and the address of my property that's vacant to get mail?

... without my knowledge and there's something illegal in the package?

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Why choose Node.js for your next web app development project?

App development is a tough topic. It has many factors to be known. There are many reasons for knowledge. Web designers must know these factors for ...

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If God is the Creator of All, did God also create evil itself (Any Religion)?

The definition of God is that (Let's call God a he) he is someone whom is omnipotent ...

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Farts smell different when sick?

It's a common knowledge we don't mind the smell of our own farts all that much, usually it doesn't bother us at all. ...

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Help answering these?

I'm applying for a job online and I'm not sure how to write out the answers 1. What is your current knowledge of pets, pet foods and pet ...

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The tree of knowledge?

Since Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and were given the sense of right and wrong, did we get the potential of becoming as smart as God ...

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