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Why do people feel shy?

I think i feel shy or uncomfortable, i dont know myself. Whenever there is a girl near me i feel uncomfortable. Can somebody tell me wat is matter ...

15 answers | | Open

How do you find the promotions r us in sims freeplay? I looked near the salon and it wasn't there?

It wasn't near the salon and everyone says its by the pet store ...

1 answers | | Open

How to find online which is best office supplies shop near me?

I want to find out good office supplies shop near my place so suggest me how to find out best office ...

4 answers | | Open

I am in 5th grade.I like this really funny, cute, and nice guy.We are good friends?

I think he likes me and another person. We live near each other to. He talks to me a ...

5 answers | | Open

If you had been stranded on an island near the Caribbean seas, what would you do?

If you had been stranded on an island near the Caribbean seas, what would you do? A. ...

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