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Does a necklace with the virgin mary on it mean anything?

i was playing with a friend in the park beside a church and in front of a catholic shcool and on a picnak table ...

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What happened to Adele Bloch-Bauer's diamond choker necklace?

After the necklace was confiscated and given to Hermann Goering's wife, where did the necklace end up? ...

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What should I get for my mom on her birthday?

My mom's B-Day is in 2 days! What should I get her? A vase of flowers? A necklace? A jade necklace?

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Cool necklaces for teenage girls?

Hey, I'm just gonna get to the point. I want a cool necklace, but not just any one. Something that will stand out, but in a subtle ...

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What to get a mom for Mother's Day?

I want to get my mom something for Mother's Day and I have no clue what to get her. She is really hard to buy for. She likes ...

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