Outdoor Questions

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Craft -What can I spray on small indoor ceramics to protect them for outdoors?

I have some smallish ceramic painted gnome figures that I would like to use outdoors. Is there something I could spray them with that would not ...

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What do u do when ur bored?

I get bored alot and need stuff to do at home. My friends cant come over often because our house is usally trashed. But i cant go out to buy ...

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What if spouse gets a new dog (tells u he's going to be an outdoor dog-cuz u r allergic) then?

constantly brings him in the house? There are dog hairs everywhere; on the ...

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Is outdoor wedding recommended in Mumbai during the month of May?

I am planning for a wedding in May 2016 around 15th ,. Outdoor venue is Tulsi Vihar, Marve in Mumbai. A ...

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