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What makes you have to go to summer school? Do you have to go if you pass your finals?

Hey, I'm in 9th grade and this year I fooled around a lot and didn't care ...

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I've been having nightmares for the past 3 days now, and they're very weird. In one of my dreams I?

... was snowboarding and I went over to my friends to talk to them, ...

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My friend ALWAYS gets the main parts in school plays WHY IS IT ALWAYS HER?

For the past 5 years my friend has always had a main part in a play Why. She is selfish and ...

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Would you...?

Would you be friends with a nerdy, shy, religious, ugly, depressed girl? Answer honestly. Would you see past the things this person is often judged for?

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My younger brother is vomiting profusely and I don't know what to do??? Help??? Suggestions???

My younger brother Brady has been puking for the past few days profusely ...

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