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What is the Best Mattress for Heavy People?

For heavy individuals, a mattress needs to offer exceptional support, durability, and pressure relief to accommodate their weight and ensure a ...

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Does Serolean Actually Work?

Real People's Stories: Loads of folks have tried Serolean and have some pretty cool things to say about it. They've chatted about feeling ...

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Mom and Dad have four daughters, each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?

Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How ...

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Why do people bully me?

I'm bullied in school, I don't know why. I'm not that like dorky or stupid. I'm pretty except I have a huge nose. But ...

103 answers | | Open

Why do people still bother with science when religion is obviously right ?

Why do you not believe in God ? How can you even dream of getting away with that kind of ...

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Can playing to many video games make you blind?

My brother says video games make people smart but what ive hard if you play way to many you can become blind.Can you tell ...

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What's your nickname?

Do you have a nickname that people call you?

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