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Is 250$ a lot of money for a dog?

I found this dog on the internet and it is perfect! It's 250$ dollars though. Which I'm not sure if that's a lot of money ...

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What music is in the background of the Dude Perfect Stereotypes videos?

You'll find their videos simply by searching on Youtube. I've tried finding the song ...

3 answers | | Open

Can you get dental implants if you have healthy teeth, my teeth are crooked and I want good teeth?

I have healthy teeth but they are crooked, I want perfect teeth so ...

7 answers | 1 star | Open

Girl trouble?

Well I really like this girl and I've known her scince first grade. I love the way she acts she is so perfect I have had a crush on her scince 2nd ...

6 answers | 1 star | Open

Can you help me find the perfect fitness tracker?

I am looking into buying a fitness tracker and I am having trouble finding the right one. Here is what the tracker ...

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