Personal Questions

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What is the best free platform to design a UI/UX mobile app?

There are several free platforms available for designing UI/UX for mobile apps. The choice depends on personal preference, familiarity with the ...

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A man locked his personal computer with a password?

A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to ...

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I accidentally left my personal laminator on at school. It's too late for me to go back...will this?

... cause a fire? I'm assuming it's similar to say a hair ...

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What religion are you, and why did you choose that over others?

I don't mean to sound too personal by asking this question, as I know it is a touchy subject for ...

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What is your personal view on ‘street art’?

Some people feel that graffiti or ‘street art’ is a valid form of artistic expression. They believe that ...

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Shopping Service/ Personal Shopper from Malaysia to Europe?

Does somebody know a shopping service or a Personal Shopper located in Malaysia which can do online shopping ...

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