Positive Questions

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1. A 20MVA, 6.6kV 3-phase generator has a positive sequence impedance of j1.5,negative sequence?

... impedance of j1.0 and zero sequence impedance of j0.5. and Pm = 0 (a) If a single phase to ground fault occurs on phase (a) find out the fault ...

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What are the potential benefits and challenges of working abroad for a year through a structured pr?

Embarking on a structured work program abroad presents both opportunities and hurdles. On the positive side, it offers a distinctive pathway for ...

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Mature women, what good, friendly and positive interactions did you have with preppy valley girls?

Mature women (in their 50s or so), can you describe in detail what good, friendly and positive (and more recent, as in, you were already in your 50s ...

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I'm 13 years old and I havent started my period and have NO boobs. What can I do to make them grow?

I am premature by 3 months. I have been having some pains in my ...

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How can I make the world a better place?

To me, this means reducing human suffering and ignorance. What I'm interested in are practical ways to make a dramatic ...

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Is it posible to have one religion in the world ?

please tell me some positive

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How many positive integers less than 101 are multiples of either 5 or 7, but not both at once?

This is a math problem that I need help on!!

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I told my crush that I liked him and he said that's pretty cool. Help?

I'm not sure if he likes me back, when he found out that I liked him he seemed pretty positive ...

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