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Is it worth to learn Power BI?

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Can EV charging management software integrate with renewable energy sources?

Yes, EV charging management software can integrate with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This integration helps optimize the ...

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If God is the Creator of All, did God also create evil itself (Any Religion)?

The definition of God is that (Let's call God a he) he is someone whom is omnipotent ...

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I spilled water on my power cord and now none of the outlets in that room work?

I had water on a table and it got knocked over somehow and spilt on my extension cord, ...

2 answers | | Open

Computer Problem?

When I turn on the power supply to my computer, my mouse's light light up signalling that power is running to my computer, when I push the power ...

7 answers | | Open

What is the correct term for someone who believes in evolution but also believes in a higher power?

I am having trouble classifying myself. I think the Bible is fiction, ...

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What is the better phone the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5?

I use my iPhone 3GS and I play apps that usually require Internet and use a lot of power I am getting a new phone ...

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