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Is being gay wrong?

I'm Muslim and I'm gay but I still worship and love god VERY much and I negate my sexual feelings in public and at home but I recently had a ...

33 answers | | Open

I'm going to public high school, need help??

I have been homeschooled all of my life but this fall, I am starting high school and going to public school. And I am so ...

5 answers | | Open

How many of you have seen public freakouts?

How many of you have witnessed a public freakout and recorded the encounter? Also, have any of you ever been in a situation ...

4 answers | | Open

Which is worse, a friend who laughs too much or cries to much?

My dear friend does both, loudly and in public at inappropriate times. I only have the heart to ask her to ...

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Me and my mom don't have a great relationship. What should I do to get my relationship up with my?

... mom My mom yells at me In public and I'm a very imaginative ...

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