Root Questions

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Please help me add a emote I made in blender for VRChat to Unity correctly?

When I import an animation from blender into unity to use as an emote on VRChat, something wrong may be with rotation of root bone or other stuffs. ...

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How do you start a root canal?

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Why is religion the root of all evil? What does that mean?

Religion is the root of all evil. . . Why?

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Bermuda grass has _____, or stems that grow along the ground and produce roots, stems, and leaves?

is it answer chioice A) stolons B) tubers C) rhizomes D) corms

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Can someone help with my Geometry?

Question 1: What is the exact distance between points A and B? A = (4,-4) B = (-2,5) A. 11 units B. Square root 11 units C. Square ...

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Can I grow a plant from a stem or portion of root if kept moist in a jar during 48 hours of travel?

For instance the Pili Nut bush or a cactus or a small tree?

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