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Why is a robotic total station better?

A robotic total station is better because it allows for one-person operation, increases accuracy, and speeds up data collection. It can automatically ...

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Bungee jumping slingshot in Himachal?

The feeling is thrilling and terrifying at the first hit as you attain a speed of about 50 Km per hour in an instant and your heart pounds up and as ...

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Thought, what is it? Speed of light, what is it?

Everything travels at the speed of light, EVEN THOUGHT. Is this a true statement? Everything is made of light? Is this a true story? Matter can ...

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Will a game work on a computer with a slower than recommended processor speed?????

Will a game that requires say 2.1 Ghz processor speed run on a machine with a 1.2 Ghz ...

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(14) A projectile is launched horizontally at a speed of 30. meters per second from a platform loca?

(14) A projectile is launched horizontally at a speed of 30. meters ...

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Starting from rest a DVD steadily accelerates to 500 rpm in 1 s, rotates at this angular speed for 3

Starting from rest a DVD steadily accelerates to 500 rpm in 1 second, ...

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What is a safe speed for a left turn?

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