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How can I teach myself to play spin the bottle, will it ever land on me? And if not, whom?

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What would you call a rule, that is made to accomodate an older or handicapped person?

Like, for example, Jim Abbott was allowed to spin the ball in his hand when he was pitching from the stretch! Tom Dempsey being allowed to wear a ...

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In regard to a vintage wooden windmill, can the Blades be secured when it's very windy out to?

... prevent further damage or does it have to spin constantly? The reason I'm asking is because I asked "Siri" this and she said ...

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What makes a compass needle spin?

what makes a compass needle spin and not find north?

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Name of an old tv-cartoon: A man with a boneknife (tarzan look alike) searching for the sun?

He spins his knife on a rock. Then he goes to the direction his knife is ...

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How come the stars never change?

If the Earth spins at 1000 mph at the equator and The earth travels around the sun at 67,000 mph and The sun travels through space at ...

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