Style Questions

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Who or what are your inspirations for creating your designs?

The biggest influencers on my designs and style are my parents. They both dressed very conservatively but always added an element of fashion or ...

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My mom Doesn't like my girlfriend what should I do?

Jade and i have been dating for almost a month but my mom doesn't like her i need help cause i dont want it to ...

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Can u tell me some hair styles???????????

iam not having a long hair but my hair is straight i want some hair styles fr my hair the problem is i donot have a lot of hair ...

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How do I straighten my hair up?

I'm really embarrassed with my present hair style as it is too curly. I cannot comb it because none of the combs has gone through ...

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What are your favorite fashion sites?

I like and, any other suggestions

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There is a new song on the radio. It sounds old style, but yet is Rap/R&B. What is this?

It sounds like a 50's style but remixed modern.

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