Summer Questions

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Does anyone have any fun summer ideas that I can do this summer?

Any fun ideas for summer that I could do with my kiddos?

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Why are you interested in your selected workshop topics or courses?

temple scholarship summer program

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Who wrote the song "Easy Come Easy Go, through summer and through snow?"?

This is used as mostly a camp song but in some research online it may have been from the 1960s ...

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What makes you have to go to summer school? Do you have to go if you pass your finals?

Hey, I'm in 9th grade and this year I fooled around a lot and didn't care ...

2 answers | 1 star | Open

Is this rape?

Well last summer I had some issues with my best friend the next day he started to touch me and pull me closer to him when we where walking down the alley ...

11 answers | 1 star | Open

How to teach a 5 year old there ABC over summer?

So I have a sister who I live with and she's going to be going to kindergarten soon. The only problem is she ...

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