Symbol Questions

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How did Jessica Jones' leather jacket in the "Jessica Jones" series become a symbol of strength?

Jessica Jones’ leather jacket in the "Jessica Jones" series became a symbol of strength because it represents her tough, independent ...

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Strange symbols appeared on my inner thigh and disappeared within 5 to 10 min?

A little weird didn’t sit on anything that gave me these symbols but somewhat curious to know if anyone else has gotten them. None of the ...

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Marks/symbols appearing on skin after astral projection?

This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself ...

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I must record a heaven ( God, Angels etc ) . But it must be a symbol of heaven, something for us is a heaven not sky . Any ideas ?

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I found an artifact that has an symbol engraved on it. I can't figure out what it means. Help?

A few years ago when I was moving into my house I was investigating the ...

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What is the little eye symbol mean at the end of a password ?

ever since I logged into a friends account on a game site (with his permission) I notice that as soon as I ...

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