Tablet Questions

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How many sleeping tablets are effective in insomnia?

I used Zopiclone 7.5mg for 2 weeks when I had issues staying asleep for long hours. As I started taking it, I observed better results in my sleeping ...

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Which tablet I should buy?

i want to buy tablet , my primary requirements are the tablet should have long battery life (i.e) min 2-3 days, and it should support pdf ...

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What is the best android app that lets you listen to music without wifi?

Please help me! I'm trying to find a music app of some sort that lets me listen to music on ...

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How long does it take a cut in your mouth to heal?

I have moderate lacerations in my mouth that I think have gotten infected. The pain of brushing my teeth is unbearable. ...

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Hi, I am plannning to buy 100 tablet pc from China(Shenzen). This is my first time sourcing from?

... China. I have some doubt and need urgent clarification. The seller ...

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How can I cope? Okay so I suffer from OCD, and depression I get irritated easily and also am on...

... tablets. I have moved in with my partners parents however his mum ...

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