Tank Questions

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My betta fish is bloated?

He eats fine and is still able to swim around his tank. He doesn’t swim lopsided either or have a curved back. Completely normal, simply just ...

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What would happen in a world without tanks?

If no tanks, then what? Better nukes? Earlier rocket launchers!? LIGHT SABERS?!? ANSWER ME!!

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Where is the button opening the fuel tank on an Audi A3 ?

I just rented this car, and spent 20 minutes looking for it without success. The car is an Audi A3 1.4 TFSI ...

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What kind of fish can you have in a 20 gallen fish tank?

I just got a fish tank yesterday and I set it up. I would want to find out about this because I really dont want ...

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A tank is filled 10%in one hour and 8%of the water is emptied in the next hour.If it is repeated?

... again ,find the percentage of the tank filled with water

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Does he like me?

My friend was telling me about that whenever he sees a girls naked shoulders (for example, a tank top) it doesn't turn him on. I don't ...

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How to make homemade turtle tank?

for a school project i need to make a homemade turtle tank. I already made a tank but i need help on the dock, decoration, ect. This ...

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