Taste Questions

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What is the difference between Cow Milk and Buffalo Milk?

Here is an explanation in simple words. Cow Milk- Lighter color and it varies greatly in taste as compared to Buffalo Milk. The ghee is clarified ( ...

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Left a sip of vodka out for 24 hours and it Taste like water now. Is that possible?

I took a shot and 24 hours later I was cleaning my room and saw the cup and saw there was like a tiny tiny sip left and drank it and it tasted ...

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Why do certain foods not taste bad when I throw it up?

I had a big salad tonight for dinner with nothing on it and I ate it too fast and had to throw up right afterwards. Why do certain foods not taste ...

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What do you think of my music taste?

AC/DC, Metallica, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Black Stone Cherry, Drowning Pool, Guns N' Roses, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice in ...

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Can wine taste like soy sauce? french wine taste like soy, italian taste like grape juice alcohol?

people talk about wine and how great it is, but i find it difficult to ...

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Can vodka if left unsealed taste like water?

I had some vodka left it in the bottle forgot to refrigerate it and the cap may have been slightly opened for like 3 days but ...

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Why does watermelon get grainy?

Sometimes when I eat watermelon, the texture is grainy and the taste is weird.

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I am sick and haven't eaten in 4 days and everything tastes terrible..... what can I eat?

I have the flu and I haven't eaten in 4 days and everything that I try to ...

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