Tax Questions

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Depreciation Tax?

If a person bought a rental property in 2016, rented it out, and then in 2019 to 2022 live in there, hence no rent out, then rented out in 2023 ...

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Ipad mini?

i wanna buy the apple ipad mini and its 329$ with tax which makes it about 350$ do you think i should get it i really dont liek the idea that people call it ...

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Will marijuana ever be legal in the U.S?

Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the U.S., with hundreds of millions of dollars being lost as potential tax revenue that ...

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Forgot to pay road tax (UK)?

Hi, I have just relaised I haven't payed my road tax for 5 months. I will be getting it taxed this Friday. I wouldn't have ...

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